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npx remotion lambda quotas

Displays the AWS Lambda concurrency and burst limits currently being applied to your account and region. You can use the increase command to send a request to AWS asking them to increase their quotas.


Print the current limits being applied to your AWS account and region.

npx remotion lambda quotas
npx remotion lambda quotas
Show example output
Region = us-east-1

Concurrency limit: 1000 - Increase recommended! A request to increase it to 5000 is pending: The maximum amount of Lambda functions which can concurrently execute. Run npx remotion lambda quotas increase to ask AWS to increase your limit.

Burst concurrency: 3000, but only 1000 effective because of concurrency limit The maximum amount of Lambda functions that can spawn in a short amount of time


For which region the quotas should be printed.

quotas increase

Creates an AWS support request to increase the concurrency limit on your account as well as potential quota increase requests that might exist on your account.

npx remotion lambda quotas increase
npx remotion lambda quotas increase


For which region the quotas should be increased.


Skips asking for confirmation.

See also