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<Freeze />

Available from v2.2.0.

When using the <Freeze/> component, all of it's children will freeze to the frame that you specify as a prop.

If a component is a child of <Freeze/>, calling the useCurrentFrame() hook will always return the frame number you specify.

<Video/> elements will be paused and <Audio/> elements will render muted.


The Freeze component is a high order component and accepts, besides it's children, the following props:

  • frame (required): At which frame it's children should freeze.

Example usage

import { Freeze } from "remotion";
const MyVideo = () => {
return (
<Freeze frame={30}>
<BlueSquare />
import { Freeze } from "remotion";
const MyVideo = () => {
return (
<Freeze frame={30}>
<BlueSquare />


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See also